Trucking Consultation Services for MCS-90 Endorsement & FMCSA Compliance
What is MCS-90?
The Federal Motor Carrier Act of 1980 established the need for trucking companies and carriers transporting hazardous materials to show they are fiscally responsible. Additionally, these companies and carriers need to have the insurance or bonds necessary to cover the public in the case of an accident, or another event that causes loss of life or product. The MCS-90 is an endorsement serving as proof of this coverage that companies must have in order to stay compliant.

Sometimes, people mistake the MCS-90 endorsement form as insurance itself. The MCS-90 is not an actual insurance policy. It merely confirms [is proof that] you have the insurance you need in the case of an accident in which you’re at fault. It’s important to follow-up independently with your insurance company or broker to keep the insurance current.
The MCS-90 form shows the FMCSA you have at least one of the following:
- A surety bond
- Insurance through the general market
- Self-insurance
Who Needs an MCS-90 Endorsement?
Many new trucking companies ask “Do I need an MCS-90 endorsement?” and the answer is usually- yes. Both Interstate trucking companies, and intrastate trucking companies need the MCS-90 endorsement. The only time you would not need to complete this form is if you are self-insured. In the case you are self-insured, you will still need to prove that you can pay damages in the event you’re at fault for an accident.
Why Do You Need an Accurate MCS-90?
Having an accurate and up-to-date MCS-90 is vital for trucking companies. You need this information to assure the government that, if there is an accident and public property gets damaged, the insurer will pay for it. You will need to work with your insurance company or broker, if you have one, to secure the proper documentation as well. This means giving that entity the right forms and information to produce an accurate MCS-90.
What Happens If Your MCS-90 Is Incorrect or Expired?
In cases where the MCS-90 is wrong or you let it expire, your company may find itself facing action or fines from the DOT. This is a hassle that can cost you a great deal of money, time or both.
Get Motor Carrier Filing Assistance and FMCSA Compliance Consultation From US Compliance Services
The MCS-90 is widely misunderstood across the trucking industry. Even people who have been in the business for years have trouble pinpointing what it means. Are you wondering if your company needs this endorsement? Are you uncertain what steps you need to take to secure an MCS-90? Our team of trucking compliance experts can help!
We have helped many trucking companies get the MCS-90 endorsements they need to transport their hazardous materials across state lines. We know what you need to get from your insurance company. We can help explain to exactly what this endorsement means and what it doesn’t. We can also keep up with longer-term renewals, removing one more duty from your already-full plate.
Protect your company in the event of an accident. Contact US Compliance Services today to ensure your MCS-90 is up to date.
There are three different types of auditing and reviewing a Motor Carrier enacted by The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA):
- Safety Audit
- Compliance Reviews
- Roadside Inspections