Free Resources for Owner-Operators

Owning a business is tough work. Being in the trucking industry is probably harder these days than a lot of other industries. Because of this in this article, you will learn about some very valuable FREE resources for owner-operators.
Whether you are a business owner, or a contract employee, the Small Business Association is a MASSIVE resource to utilize, and it’s just a few mouse clicks away. This is especially true if you are just getting started.
The SBA has an unbelievable amount of information on their website – Because everything is a free resource for owner-operators on the website, you would be a fool for not taking a look.
They have classes covering the very basics of starting and running a business. And some of the topics they cover in this FREE basic class are:
- Is Owning a Business a Good Fit for You?
- Planning for a Healthy Business
- Banking Services
- Organizational Types
- Time Management
- Financial Management
- Record Keeping
- Business Credit Demystified
- Risk Management- Planning for the Unexpected
- Insurance -Choices for Business
- Tax Planning & Reporting
- Selling Your Small Business and Succession Planning
- Managing Cash Flow
Head over to the SBA to utilize this valuable FREE resource for owner-operators.
The US Department of Transportation
As crazy as it sounds, our governmental overlords have a very informative website! And because the government runs our industry, part of your daily routine when you wake up in the morning and pick up your phone, should be browsing the website
You will at a glance, see up to the minute news and information directly relevant to you. And, there are plenty of FREE resources for Owner-Operators on their website. For example a free online webinar was available to watch. The free webinar covered the following topics:
- Increase knowledge of the Federal procurement process
- Learn about how small business federal contractors are currently contracting with USDOT
- Gain insight into how to effectively market to USDOT
- Find out how to capitalize your small business, HUBZone, 8(a), EDWOSB. WOSB. and/or SDVOSB status
Head over (and bookmark the page) to the US Department of Transportation to utilize this valuable FREE resource for owner-operators.
Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance – North American Fatigue Management Program
And, again, here is another FREE resource for owner-operators! This one is focused on driver safety. Because, nothing is more important than the safety of our drivers, the other drivers on the road, and the safety of property that we are transporting.
Our goal at CVSA is to prevent crashes involving commercial motor vehicles. Offering the North American Fatigue Management Program as one of the Alliance’s driver-related educational programs helps us do our part to combat crashes caused by driver fatigue and exhaustion.
CVSA President Capt. John Broers with the South Dakota Highway Patrol.
After the safety program was created and implemented, case studies were conducted and the results are pretty impressive:
- Improved reported sleep quality on duty days
- 20 minutes longer main sleep on duty days
- Duty day main period sleep duration and sleep efficiency improved compared to rest days
- Drivers reported less fatigue (trend)
- Reduction in proportion of drivers reporting critical events (29% from 46%) and 40% reduction in number of critical events per km driven
Head over to the North American Fatigue Management Program to get registered, and download the extremely valuable resource.
Then there are some very obvious FREE resources for owner-operators.
Sometimes the most obvious tool available to us are right in front of our faces:
Apple Podcasts
All of these have thousands of hours of information on every topic known relevant to owner-operators, and the trucking industry. And, a lot of times, the presentation of the material is so much more fun than trying to do the research yourself.
And there you have it! Please take advantage of all the free resources available to you.
Educating yourself will increase your cash flow. Furthering your education will lead to big increases in business opportunities. Start today.
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